Tuesday, June 17, 2014

an extract from a recording of cod, shrimp & krill recorded in Iceland, June 2014 with 2 x JrF d-series hydrophones....

recorded with 2 x JrF d-series hydrophones placed directly in the 100 degree centigrade + mud pools at Krafla, Iceland, June 2014....


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

inspired by Flickr: Jez riley French

Geology is at the heart of our latest Inspired by Flickr contribution. Out of more than 1 million images, field recordist and artist Jez riley French was drawn to a simple line drawing of a piece of chalk, found amongst the pages of the 1883 publication 'The History of a Lump of Chalk, etc' by Alexander Watt F.R.S.A.
- See more at: http://britishlibrary.typepad.co.uk/sound-and-vision/2014/06/inspired-by-flickr-jez-riley-french.html#sthash.3YWu1mpt.dpuf
